Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

What is Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy?

EU initiative within which local authorities (cities and rayons) commite pledge to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30% by 2030 on their territories. 


Official website of Covenant of Mayors


The main objective of the initiative is sustainable energy development at the local level and taking action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Currently there are more than 7000 cities and rayons in different countries that have signed up to the Covenant of Mayors.


Benefits of participation

  • Increase of energy efficiency and renewable energy in a city or district;
  • Opportunities to attract grants and investments
  • The introduction of innovation technologies
  • Improvement of public services and infrastructure
  • Improvement of the quality of life and the environment
  • Exchange of experiences with other municipalities and international cooperation
  • Creation of new working places


Signaturies’ commitments

  • Develop a Baseline Emissions Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and conduct a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment;
  • Create administrative structure (Working Group) responsible for the Covenant of Mayors activities in the city or district
  • Develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP);and upload it to the website In two years after signing up to Covenant of Mayors
  • Provide a monitoring report on results of implementation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan every two years


26 October 2016 IPO “Ecopartnership” has got the official statues of Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy supporter (Document). Our organization committed to  provide consultations to cities and promote the initiative the local and national levels.