How a city can join to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

Как городу присоединиться

Stages of participation in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (text of Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy).


Рассмотрение проекта решения о присоединении к Соглашению мэров

Present commitments of the Covenant of Mayors at the session of local Councils of Deputies and approve decision on adhesion (example).


Подписание председателем исполкома

Sign the Covenant of Mayors   Adhesion form by the Chair of the Executive Committee with commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% by 2030.


Информирование Европейской комиссии

Inform the Covenant of Mayors Office about decision of the city or district to join the Covenant of Mayors:

- Complete the online form on the Covenant of Mayors website and load scan copy of Council of Deputies decision on the adhesion to the Covenant of Mayors and the scan copy of  the Adhesion form signed by the Chair of the Executive Committee;

- Send email to the Covenant of Mayors Office with scan copy of Council of Deputies decision on the adhesion as well as scan copy of Adhesion form signed by the Chair of the Executive Committee to the Covenant of Mayors Office by email.


Создание постоянно действующей рабочей группы по Соглашению мэров

Create administrative structure (Working Group) responsible for the Covenant of Mayors activities in the city or district with involvement of various stakeholders from local authorities and society. Stakeholders may represent such sectors as energy, buildings and infrastructure, economics and social affairs, environmental protection, mobility and transport, budget and procurement, land use and spatial planning, forestry and agriculture, civil protection, NGOs and citizen' initiatives, etc.

It is recommended to approve establishment of the Working Group by the Executive Committee decision.


Анализ ситуации в городе или районе

Analyze of the situation in the city or district: identify sources of greenhouse gas emissions sources, calculate Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and assess climate change risks and vulnerabilities in the city or district.



Develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) until 2030 based on analysis of situation including measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. The city or district must download the SECAP in 2 years after adhesion to the Covenant of Mayors.

The SECAP is filled in the online template on the web-site



Approve the developed SECAP at the session of local Council of Deputies and download it to the personal account of the city or district on the web-site



Organize Energy Days – events to involve citizens in the activities focused on energy and climate - at least once a year in June during the European Sustainable Energy Week



Search for donors and investors to support SECAP implementation

SECAP is actually a set of projects that can be financed from various sources (different state programs, EU funds and other donors, loans of international banks, etc.).


Реализация утвержденного ПДУЭРК

Implement the approved SECAP and monitor achieved results every 2 years from the date of its submission to the Secretariat of the Covenant of Mayors.

Based on evaluation of SECAP implementation results the city or district must fill in the on-line monitoring report on the website every 2 years.